All About Me

I'm Holly, a 17 year old published Curvy Model based in Cornwall, in the UK. I have been modelling for five years and have loved it. I've started up my blog 'Curvy Holly' and my model Instagram (@Curvyholly) to give confidence to teenagers as they are growing up and developing. As a curvy girl myself, I have big boobs, wobbly bits, cellulite etc, etc and this is a part of me that I have struggled to deal with throughout my teenage years. But recently due to the rise of models in the curvy model industry I have come to a stage in my life where I love my curves and I am happy with my body. 

As a younger teenager I was the first girl to be fully developed in my year and I constantly got told I was fat because I have bigger hips than the rest of the girls. Throughout my school years, when all the other girls grew up I was still getting called fat and girls would give me funny looks during sport because I had cellulite and stretch marks on the backs of my legs. As I approached my last year of secondary school, the names stopped yet I was noticing that some of the girls I knew were still not developed and they didn’t have my figure.

 It wasn’t until I was told by a friend that some of the girls starve themselves by constantly eating celery so that they wouldn’t gain curves as they developed. This really shocked me and I couldn’t understand why they would do that. I now see these girls on social media posting images of themselves showing of their figures with their hip bones showing and then younger girls comment how perfect their figure is and how they inspire to be like them. This made me feel sick as I knew what these girls were doing to keep that younger figure so I decided to embrace my figure and show girls what a woman’s figure is actually like and how it’s okay to be skinny or curvy. 

I know the struggle of having to find clothes to cover up your rolls or your cellulite but I am now embracing these features of me and learning to love them because I am naturally curvy and I cannot change that! 

In the future of Curvy Holly I want the younger generation of girls to grow up knowing that it’s okay to be curvy and to have big boobs and to have wobbly bits. I will be a role model to these girls telling them and sharing with them how I dress my figure, how I have dealt with bullying and how I have learnt to love the skin I’m in. 
So I've created this blog alongside with my modelling account on Instagram so that I can blog about how to grow self confidence within yourself, lifestyle things within my life as a model, beauty in which includes makeup looks that I love to do etc etc. 

I am looking forward to all the future things with this !!
Until next time,


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